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Share your city's success story during the Belgian presidency of the EU!
Take part in the call for contributions on the fight against urban sprawl and qualitative density
Posted on 6 September 2023

As part of the Belgian presidency of the EU, Perspective is gathering your expertise and best practices to organise a European seminar and produce a publication.
Background to the call for contributions:
On 29 and 30 May 2024, Perspective will be organising a European seminar bringing together public agencies and municipal services responsible for land use planning in various European cities and metropolitan areas. This seminar could be an opportunity for you to present an innovative practice in your city!
With the aim of exchanging ideas on innovations to meet today's urban challenges, we'd like to compare data, explore collaborations and discuss your practices to better integrate all aspects of urban planning.
The seminar will focus on avoiding urban sprawl and developing qualitative density.
This seminar is an opportunity to discuss these issues from three angles:
- New ways of urban living and urban dwelling
- Green, blue and grey: combining a built environment with nature
- Planning tools for a sound governance of the city
In order to bring together practices that are innovative and inspiring, and that have a real impact on the ground, Perspective is launching a call for contributions. These practices could be policies, projects, processes, events or organisational structures developed by local, metropolitan and regional authorities. They can be implemented by the authorities themselves or by other local stakeholders.
Benefits of taking part in the call for contributions:
An opportunity to take part in the seminar in May 2024 and contribute to the discussions, finding solutions to common challenges;
Be featured in our publication released on the occasion of the Belgian presidency of the EU and distributed to our European partners;
The opportunity to present your practice in one of the workshops running parallel to the seminar in May 2024, and gather feedback and inspiration from fellow participants;
Be part of a large community of practices and join other urban experts, practitioners and decision-makers in sharing knowledge and experience.
Who can take part?
The call is open to public agencies and municipal services responsible for land use planning and territorial development in various European cities and metropolitan areas (the 27 EU Member States plus Norway, Iceland, the United Kingdom and Switzerland).
You can fill in the attached questionnaire (in English) by 15 October 2023 and email the completed version to europe@perspective.brussels or fill in the online version.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at europe@perspective.brussels if you have any questions.
Please note that the working language of the seminar will be English.